Teenagers and Young Adults
All children and young people with type 1 diabetes and their families should have access to high-quality care and be under the remit of a children’s diabetes service. Diabetes UK has outlined what essential measures you should expect for your child’s diabetes care which you can read in the resources below.
Every school should have a medical condition at school policy which is updated annually so they know what medical condition pupils have, such as diabetes and what treatment they may require.
If you have any questions or concerns, then it’s always best to contact the school directly so you can feel confident that staff have a good understanding of diabetes and what care they may need to provide. Growing up with Type 1 diabetes eLearning course is a great resource for teenagers and young adults tackling the challenges of managing type 1 diabetes at a time of great change in their lives.
Understanding Type 1 is another eLearning course that is available and covers everything from what T1D is, how it is treated, complications and lifestyle advice.
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10 things any parent should expect from their child's diabetes care
The Type 1 essentials for children and young people outline the 10 things any parent should expect from their child's diabetes care. It includes the care, checks and help that the child or family need to make sure their condition is managed well - in hospital, school and wider society.

Growing Up With Type 1
This course, ‘Growing Up with Type 1 Diabetes’ is the second in a two-part series which provides information about life with diabetes. This part is especially aimed at young people with diabetes, particularly teenagers, who may be concerned about how their diabetes may affect them when facing new ex…