eLearning Courses
Below you can find the eLearning courses that are currently available. Before starting the course, you will be directed to a registration form for to complete. This is so we can track your progress throughout the course and let your healthcare team know when you are finished. We may also, from time to time with your GPs consent, assess how effective the courses are in helping people with their diabetes, by looking at changes in tests like HbA1c (blood glucose) levels (on anonymised data). This will help improve the courses in the future.
Once you have completed the registration form, you will be sent an email with a link in to the course. You will then be able to create your own username and password for the eLearning site to start the course.
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Carbohydrate Counting Course
Carbohydrate counting is the skill of matching your mealtime insulin to the amount of carbohydrate in your food. The course is only for people using either an insulin pump or multiple daily injections (MDI)/ basal-bolus short-acting insulin with meals and long-acting insulin once/twice a day. Mos…

Freestyle Libre
This course covers a variety of different topics related to the Freestyle Libre, some may be more relevant to you than others. It includes information written by healthcare professionals and people with diabetes who understand the challenges and can offer advice and support. Please note that comment…

Growing Up With Type 1
This course, ‘Growing Up with Type 1 Diabetes’ is the second in a two-part series which provides information about life with diabetes. This part is especially aimed at young people with diabetes, particularly teenagers, who may be concerned about how their diabetes may affect them when facing new ex…

Living with Type 1 Diabetes
This course will cover topics related to what it’s like living with type 1 diabetes on a daily basis. These include: What you need to think about before going on holiday or travelling Driving regulations and how to keep yourself safe What you may have to keep in mind when having sex and plannin…

My Gestational Diabetes: The Online Education Course
This course, My Gestational Diabetes, provides information about gestational diabetes and is designed for women that have been diagnosed with this condition. However, this course is also suitable for family members, carers for someone that has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, or for health…

Understanding Type 1 Diabetes
This course is the first of a two-part series which provides information about life with diabetes. Aimed at anyone diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it focuses on what diabetes is, how it is treated, complications it can have, as well as what you can do to keep yourself healthy.